Clocked out!



Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls!

I am officially clocked out!  My daughter’s adoption was finalized and I have taken some time off work to do some much needed bonding and family time!

I was worried at first that I would be totally bored, to be honest.  School is out until mid January, kids are all home from school, and Christmas will be here and gone.  I was worried…and now I’m not.

Now I am SURE I will be bored…and covered in school glue, probably!

In case you didn’t know, I am a rather crafty person.  So…multiply that with being off work and actually rested all day (I normally work night shift).  The kids have already stared rolling their eyes.

We have butter warming on the counter for sugar cookies, we have decorated Christmas ornaments that I crocheted off the top of my head; tomorrow we do kinetics, and then we will be donating blood and visiting an animal shelter.

So, in a nutshell I am asking you to pray for my children.  Pray for their patience, pray for their sanity, and Good Lord above, my poor daughter I am bonding with who learned today NOT to touch the glue gun…

Until I inhale glitter,

Savannah Smiles


The picture is NOT one of mine, we don’t paint until Sunday…

2 thoughts on “Clocked out!

  1. Sounds like ya’ll are having a great time. I hope everything goes well for your family and um, I’d be more concerned about YOUR sanity haha, I have kids and raised many more myself.


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